Wednesday, 15 December 2010

New webinar on GeoBI

On 15th December 2010 at 4:30 p.m. (CEST) a webinar on GeoBI will be done (GeoBI Initiative: The Open Source Location Intelligence ecosystem).

The presentation will focus on the challenges we are facing in order to create a vibrant ecosystem around this topic and to deliver a fully open source Location Intelligence software stack!

You can find old webinars here, such as "GIS and BI with Open Source".

Friday, 26 November 2010

GeoBI in action

On line the presentation made during the fossa conference on GeoBI initiative....nice demo on GeoReport and GeoMondrian.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Ingres joins GeoBI initiative!

GeoBI community and members are growing up quickly!

As member of GeoBI initiative I am proud to announce that Ingres Corporation, the leading provider of open source database management software, has joined us! The announcement during the FOSSa Conference.

Ingres recently announced availability of a community version of Ingres 10.1.0 using the GPL v2 license and compliant with the Open Geospatial Consortium Simple Feature Specification for SQL.

Don't hesitate to contact us for more information if you want to join the initiative too!

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Individual membership in GeoBI initiative

I am proud to announce my new entry in GeoBI initiative as individual member!

Why do I want to become an individual member?

I was Inova GeoBI initiative leader and now I want to go on alone as single member representing myself and provide my expertise, diligence and experiences in order to help the Community and the whole initiative to grow up.

How do I plan to contribute to the initiative?

I'd like to continue as single professional all my activities regarding the GeoBI until now done as leader and Techincal Committee member. In particular, I will contribute in software development, articles and presentations preparing, conferences partecipation, results dissemination trought websites, blogs and other channels.

My relationships with the initiative members

As leader of the GeoBI initiative until now I have of course contatcs with the initiative members, in particular with Inova, Engineering, Camptocamp and Spatialytics.

More details about me and what I have already done in this context, here.

Thanks to all the current members!

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

GeoBI @FOSSa 2010

GeoBI initiative will be presented at FOSSa Conference 2010 in Grenoble, France.

...where free open source software meets academia...

FOSSa (Free Open Source Academia Conference) aims to reaffirm the values of open source software: innovation & research in software development.

Engineering Group contributes to the organization of the conference and in particular on 10th November gives a speech entitled “The open source location intelligence ecosystem”.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Italian INSPIRE Interest Group

A Forum area dedicated to Italy, called "INSPIRE - Italian Interest Group" has been created on JRC INSPIRE portal in order to encourage discussions on the INSPIRE DIRECTIVE in Italy.

This initiative has been launched by Massimo Zotti, my ex-colleague and Sales Manager of Planetek Italia, together with the president of AMFM Association, Mauro Salvemini.

Massimo invited me to join and I think it is a very good opportunity not only to partecipate but also to share ideas, experiences, points of view with the GeoBI Community. GeoBI initiative, in fact, focuses not only on open source software but also on the adoption of open standards in the area of Location Intelligence.

Stay tuned!

Monday, 27 September 2010

FOSS4G 2010 presentations: GeoKettle, GeoMondrian, SOLAPLayers in action!

There are now on-line the presentations given by Dr. Thierry Badard @FOSS4G 2010 in Barcelona, as already described in a previous post:
  1. GeoKettle: a powerful Open Source Spatial ETL tool
  2. Open Source GeoBI in action with GeoMondrian and SOLAPLayers!

Regarding Spatial ETL presentation, the version of GeoKettle used in the demo was the version 2.0, coming in October 2010, that benefits from the OGR Simple Feature Library ability to import/export from/to different vectorial file formats, including GML and KML, and RDBMS.

Regarding Spatial OLAP, the presentation is focused on GeoMondrian and SOLAPLayers version 2.0 (at the beginning of 2011), for which the key component will remain OpenLayers but wrapped using Javascript frameworks ExtJS & GeoExt.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

GeoBI in Barcelona @ FOSS4G 2010

FOSS4G 2010 has started on 6th September in Barcelona (Spain). FOSS4G is the most important international conference on Free & Open Source GeoSpatial Software. It is organized by OSGeo.

Two members of GeoBI initiative, Spatialytics and Camptocamp, are contributing with workshops, presentations and tutorials on GeoBI main issues:
There are a lot of interesting works and I'll invite you to follow the event!

In particular, in the era of Web 2.0, I'd like to underling these presentations\tutorials:

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Manage geothermal data with GeoReport engine

IGA is a non-profit, non-political and non-governmental organization that works with the Economic and Social Council of ONU and European Union partners for Campaign for Take Off (CTO) of renewable energy.

IGA has created and implemented a database containing updated information on geothermal systems installed in the world and used it as source data for GeoReport engine.

Here you can find more details.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

GeoBI initiative has been launched!

GeoBI initiative has been launched!

Follow GeoBI initiative on LinkedIn and Twitter!

GeoBI initiative aims to create an open community, composed of all the interested parties, whose primarily scope is to cooperate in order to break down these barriers and make the Location Intelligence adoption pervasive.

GeoBI initiative focuses on open source software and open standards as feasible tools to reach its goals respecting the initiative key principles. It doesn’t mean that only open source companies or actors can take part in the initiative. All companies and actors, involved in Location Intelligence and basing their products on open source software and/or open standards to some extents, are more than welcome.

GeoBI initiative is a joint effort of companies, organizations, projects’ communities and individuals set up to:
  • improve the coordination work in the Location Intelligence area
  • disseminate BI knowledge in the GIS world and vice-versa
  • promote the standard-based integration between BI and Geographical Systems
  • strengthen connections and support new business opportunities among members
  • create a research network on Location Intelligence topics
  • turn research results into innovative applications.

Here the web site.

Here the press release.

Here the manifesto.

Here the charter.

Here the members.

Here the involved projects.

Here the new GeoReport blog.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Thinking to a more structured initiative

During these years, INOVA has been focused deeply on GeoSpatial Businss Intelligence giving you, through this blog, an overview about the main principles, products, open standards, research results and tools. has been a place in which we have shared everything about the Open Source Location Intelligence.

We believe it's the time to rationalize all the efforts we've done until now and turn GeoBI Open Source Project in a more organized entity!

We want to cooperate more closely with our partners in order to make pervasive the adoption of GeoBI, provide industrial results, add value to the existing projects and create new business opportunities.

We are now thinking about a more structured initiative just starting from the experience of these years. The initiative will be lauched in the next weeks.

Stay tuned! :-)

Thursday, 25 March 2010

GeoReport at Solutions Linux

Andrea Gioia of Engineering SPA gave a presentation on Location Intelligence at Solutions Linux, speaking in particular about SpagoBI Geo engines, both for Graphic-SVG and Cartographic-GIS approach developed together with INOVA by using GeoReport.

Location Intelligence: when Business Intelligence meets Cartography
Andrea Gioia also wrote a very interested post on SpagoWorld blog on the same issue.

Have a nice reading!

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

INOVA & Spatialytics.ORG partnership

Inova, already GeoSOA partner during 2009, has partnered with Spatialytics.ORG in order to support the development of all open source projects relateed to GeoBI.

Spatialytics.ORG is a website for the Community using and working with the Open Source Geo-BI projects GeoKettle, GeoMondrian and SOLAPLayers. The origin of those projects is Laval University in Quebec City (Canada), from the research and work done by the GeoSOA Research Team, led by Dr. Thierry Badard.

Spatialytics Solutions Inc. (Spatialytics.COM) is instead the company dedicated to push forwards those Geo-BI projects (GeoKettle, GeoMondrian and SOLAPLayers) and to offer professional training, support, development and implantation.

At present INOVA is working to establish a scientific committee together with its partners in order to support and contribute to all GeoBI open source projects, such as:
  • GeoKettle
  • Talend SDI
  • GeoMondrian
  • SOLAPLayers
  • SOLAPLayers integrated into PentahoBI\CDF and SpagoBI
  • GeoReport (for both PentahoBI & SpagoBI platform)
  • SpagoBIGeoReportEngine

Friday, 12 February 2010

SpagoBIGeoReportEngine on Slideshare

INOVA-ENGINEERING presentation at FOSS4G-IT in Lugano is on slideshare!

As mentioned in a previous post, the presentation intends to show the new cartographic capabilities of SpagoBI platform by using GeoReport, the new cartographic and Open Source OGC compliant engine developed by INOVA for BI platforms.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

L'unità di tutte le scienze è trovata nella geografia

" L’unità di tutte le scienze è trovata nella geografia. Il significato della geografia è che essa presenta la terra come la sede duratura delle occupazioni dell’uomo." (John Dewey).

"Alle elementari avevo un maestro che insegnava geografia e che tirava giù una carta geografica del mondo davanti alla lavagna. Avevo un compagno di classe al sesto anno che un giorno ha alzato la mano e ha indicato la costa orientale del Sudamerica; poi ha indicato la costa occidentale dell’Africa e ha chiesto: «Sono state mai unite?». E il maestro ha risposto: «Certo che no, è una cosa ridicola!». Lo studente cominciò a fare uso di droghe e sparì. L’insegnante è diventato consigliere scientifico dell’attuale amministrazione (ndr Bush)." (dal film documentario statunitense del 2006 “Una scomoda verità”, diretto da Davis Guggenheim).

"Nella mia geografia ancora sta scritto che tra Catanzaro e il mare si trovano i Giardini delle Esperidi." (George Robert Gissing, da Sulle rive dello Jonio).

"L’arma del giornalista è la penna o la macchina da scrivere. L’arma del giornalista sotto vetro smerigliato è la bacchetta o la carta geografica." (Sergio Saviane).

"Lungo la costa dell’Africa del Sud-Ovest, delimitato da montagne di origine vulcanica da una parte e dall’Atlantico dall’altra, si stende uno dei più antichi e selvaggi deserti della terra. I geografi chiamano questa zona la Costa degli Scheletri, perché le sue spiagge sono disseminate dei relitti delle navi che vi hanno fatto naufragi." (Ronald Schiller da “Nel mondo dei diamanti”).

AIIG, Italian Association of Geography Teachers, is collecting signatures to try to avert the risk of the disappearance of geography education programs in high school.

I invite italian readers of my blog to give a look here and subscrive the petition on the AIIG web site!

Here the list of blogs that have joined the initiative:

Thank you

Thursday, 21 January 2010

SpagoBIGeoReportEngine @FOSS4G-IT 2010

INOVA and ENGINEERING present SpagoBIGeoReportEngine at FOSS4G-IT in Lugano, on 11 th Feb 2010. Here the program.
The presentation intends to show the new cartographic capabilities of SpagoBI platform and consequently the new cartographic OGC compliant engine developed by INOVA and ENGINEERING.

By now SpagoBI users can be also configure WebGIS OGC interface by setting:
  • Map Projection
  • WMS resources
  • GeoJSON data
  • 3D visualization (Google Earth plugin)
  • Toolbar and Map Controls
  • Geostatistical Analysis (Choropleths or Propotionals)
  • Reports (charts, tables, pivot, ecc..)
to display cartographic features on the map and analyze on the territory business data coming from a Data WareHouse (DWH) or simply from a database. Cartographic features can be retreive both from a WFS resource (GeoServer) or directly from the file system (GeoJSON).