Thursday 22 January 2009

GeoReport in action!!

Here some videos showing GeoReport module in action:



  1. The user uploads geometries with only the IDs in Geoserver and configure Pentaho xactions to retreive alphanumeric information from DWH (Data WareHouse).
    In this example the geometries are POINTS and represent Italian regional capitals.
    The module MapOL runs an xaction to retrieve all the attributes to associate to these POINTS. In particular they are the information stored in the INOVA DWH (Data WareHouse) and in particular in WATSON databases. WATSON is the INOVA VoIP product. For each Italian region the xaction returns the numebr of sold WATSON and the revenues in that region.
  2. User logs in PentahoBI system that provides also a cartographic dashboard:
  3. The cartographic dashboard is developed using Mapfish Client + Geostat widgets and OpenLayers. The Dashboard module requests GeoJson to MapOL module and displays it in the WebGIS client.
  4. User can choose from choropleths or proportional symbols analysis using one or more indicators coming from Business Intelligence. He can set indicators before lunching PentahoBI (that contains GeoReport). In this example the indicators are the WATSON number per region and the revenues per region
  5. User can click on the features to not only display alphanumeric information, but also to display indicators about the number of sold WATSON in a region rispect a min and a max budgeted value and a pie that shows the number of sold WATSON in each province of that region.

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