Thursday, 21 January 2010

SpagoBIGeoReportEngine @FOSS4G-IT 2010

INOVA and ENGINEERING present SpagoBIGeoReportEngine at FOSS4G-IT in Lugano, on 11 th Feb 2010. Here the program.
The presentation intends to show the new cartographic capabilities of SpagoBI platform and consequently the new cartographic OGC compliant engine developed by INOVA and ENGINEERING.

By now SpagoBI users can be also configure WebGIS OGC interface by setting:
  • Map Projection
  • WMS resources
  • GeoJSON data
  • 3D visualization (Google Earth plugin)
  • Toolbar and Map Controls
  • Geostatistical Analysis (Choropleths or Propotionals)
  • Reports (charts, tables, pivot, ecc..)
to display cartographic features on the map and analyze on the territory business data coming from a Data WareHouse (DWH) or simply from a database. Cartographic features can be retreive both from a WFS resource (GeoServer) or directly from the file system (GeoJSON).