Tuesday, 21 April 2009

GSoC 2009 idea for GeoReport accepted!!!

We are very proud to announce that GSoC 2009 accepted the idea proposed by INOVA and GeoSOA !!
Giovanni Onofri, computer engineering student from Italy, will go to Canada very soon to start the project toghether with GeoSOA Group!! His mentors will be Thierry Badard, Eitenne Dube from Canada (GeoSOA) and Fabio D'Ovidio from Italy (INOVA)!

The idea is to contribute to the development of GeoBI integrating GeOLAP module in GeoReport by using Sptialytics and Pentaho CDF with the aim to set and create GeoDashboards as easy as possible both for multidimentional cubes navigation and for charts, diagrams, indicators displaying directly from the map!

The aim is to improve CDF MapFishComponent written by INOVA and use\improve the CDF Pivot Component in order to set:
  • a pivot for (alphanumeric) cube nabigation
  • a map for cartographic data display and spatially navigation of multidimensional cubes through DRILL DOWN and ROLL UP operations
  • BI processes (xactions) to display diagrams, charts and indicators on the map by clickking cartographic features
  • the interaction between pivot and cartographic map by setting both listeners and parameters in order to switch from pivot to map and viceversa
The integration work will develop by defining small integration steps to be acheived in order to consistently merging capabilities provided by the the different tools.

In particular the following applications will be used:
  • GeoMondrian
  • Spatialitycs
  • GeoReport
  • GeoServer
  • OpenLayers
  • Mapfish
  • Pentaho CDF
  • PentahoBI platform
and the following technologies will be used:
  • JavaScript + ExtJS
  • JAVA
  • JSP (Java Server Pages)
  • GeoJSON
  • OGC WFS protocol
  • OGC WMS protocol
  • MDX
  • SQL
  • XML

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Google Summer of Code 2009: Ideas 4 GeoReport !

Google's Summer of Code program allows for students to receive a stipend for developing open source software under the supervision of one or two mentors.

GeoSoa Research Group proposed some projects related to Geo Business Intelligence thematics here.
In this context INOVA and GeoSoa propose the integration of Spatialytics and GeoReport in PentahoBI platform using CDF as described in the fifth idea

GSoC: Integration of Spatialytics and GeoReport into Pentaho CDF
  • This idea stems from an active collaboration on Geospatial Business Intelligence between the GeoSOA research group and Inova, an italian company. The GeoBI blog details the open source software stack Inova plans to develop. It is mainly based on GeoKettle (spatial ETL tool), GeoMondrian (Spatial OLAP Server). GeoReport is a web cartographic component that enables the display of charts, diagrams and indicators on cartographic features click by running BI processes. It has been recently integrated to Pentaho CDF, the new dashboard framework provided by Pentaho. Together with these developments, the GeoSOA research group has implemented Spatialytics, a web cartographic component that enables the navigation in Spatial OLAP data cubes and the display of thematic maps. Spatialytics allows then users to drill down and roll up in the different levels of details/aggregations present in the geospatial data cubes served by a GeoMondrian Spatial OLAP server instance. Both Spatialytics and GeoReport rely on OpenLayers. Spatialytics aims at being integrated in different analytical dashboard tool in order to provide them with geo-analytical capabilities. With the perspective of setting up a geo-analytical dashboard framework, some works have been initiated in the GeoSOA research group in order to couple JasperServer and Spatialytics. First results are very promising, even if a lot of work remain to be done. In order to support this integration effort, the idea proposed here both by the GeoSOA research group and Inova deals with the integration of Spatialytics and GeoReport into Pentaho CDF in order to step up the developments already initiated and provide the users with a first integrated solutions for the design of light, interactive and drillable geo-analytical dashboards over the web. The student in charge of the project will thus have: 1) to take some time in order to be more familiar with GeoBI concepts and the different tools, 2) start the integration work by defining small integration steps to be acheived in order to consistently merging capabilities provided by the the different tools, 3) if time remains, extend the thematic capabilities of the integrated tool. The student will be supervised both by the GeoSOA research group and Inova.

Download GeoReport-PentahoCDF integration!

GeoReport-PentahoCDF integration was released!

Please, checkout and try it!!
Any comments are welcome, thank you!