Friday 13 March 2009

GeoReport - Pentaho CDF integration has started!

Pentaho CDF (Community Dashboard Framework) has the goal to make Pentaho Dashboard on PentahoBI platform as easy as possible using JavaScript instead of JSP.
It is a very powerful framework that help the final user in setting and creating his dashboards!

Pentaho CDF architecture

Penatho CDF could be very useful to create GeoDasboard as GeoReport done.
At the moment, CDF integrates OpenLayers to create a cartographic report but NOT in the sense of GeoReport because:
  1. GeoReport deals with GEOMETRIES (stored in GeoServer), so deals with real cartographic data!
  2. GeoReport JOINS alphanumeric data coming from xaction resultset to geometries coming from GeoServer (using OGC WFS) in a single GeoJSON
  3. GeoReport tranfers GEOMETRIES via GeoJSON using Mapfish GeoJSON JAVA lib
  4. CDF only uses markers on OpenLayers maps and GeoNames to rerieve X,Y when the user doesn't set manually X,Y coordinates
  5. CDF doesn't join xaction resultset to vector data (geometries) stored in a GIS datasource or provided by a GIS service (as WFS does)
For this reasons it will be very interesting to integrate GeoReport in Pentaho CDF in order to automate the whole process of GeoDashboard creation in GeoReport!!

The first integration we did was mapfish in CDF (instead of OpenLayers). It works on Mozilla Firefox 3.0.6 + and there are some problems on other browser due to Ext.onReady Event when you want to include a large number of JS files in your code over ExtJS (this is our case. Remeber in fact that MapFish uses ExtJS library and Pentaho CDF uses a lot of libraries such as the complexity increase).
We are going on with tests, and if you want you can try this first integration following here.

Screenshots (Mapfish in Pentaho CDF)

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