Monday 23 March 2009

GeoReport - Pentaho CDF integration is done!

A new JavaScript component, "MapFishComponent", was developed in order to quickly create a custom cartographic dashboard using MapFish and geostat widgets!
The architecture is the same shown here with the difference that now it is not necessary to set your parameters in a xml file: now you can easly set them client side using a "mapFish" type, as following:

map =
name: "map",
type: "mapFish",
nameAttribute: "nome",
indicators: [["numero_watson","NUMERO"],["valore_watson","VALORE"]],
geojsonUrl: "server_name:port",
analysis: "prop",
geocode: "gid",
actionid: "id_capoluog",
layer: "capoluoghi",
mapname: "WATSON MAP",
solution: "cdf-samples",
path: "20-samples/GeoBI",
actionJson: 'mapOpen4.xaction',
action: "dial.xaction",
actionpie: "pie.xaction",
parameters: "numero_watson",
pieValue: "gl_regione",
title: "nome",
messageElementId: "messages",
htmlObject: "map",
executeAtStart: true,
initPosLon: 6.090,
initPosLat: 40.373,
initZoom: 5,
expression: function(){},

Thanks to CDF integration you can than easily create new reports interacting each other!!
This is the "WATSON MAP" sample:

Watson Map sample

We are going to publish this new version for Georeport, so stay tuned!!!


enricbiosca said...

Congratulations for your good job!!

Jesús Lagos said...

I've posted in my blog ( about you, in spanish.

I think it's a great job with a lot of possibilities.